Jaw pain and headache

Jaw pain, headaches and migraines 

How often do patients suffer from teeth grinding, TMJ, ear, head and back pain, dizziness, migraine or shoulder tension?! It often starts with a tense feeling in the jaw area in the morning after getting up. Later on, neck tension or toothache are added to the problem. But many also suffer from headaches or migraines.

When the jaw joint suffers, the surrounding structures are also affected. This is because the masseter muscle is the strongest muscle in your body. It allows the lower and upper jaws to bite together. This creates enormous forces and levers that could move over 80 kilograms. Of course, this means conversely that stresses or functional restrictions that act on the masseter muscle and jaw are also compensated for by the surrounding muscles.

The good news is, you can do something about these muscular and joint problems!

TMJ therapy in Zurich



TMJ Therapy - CMD) 

This is where TMJ therapy comes in as a special field of physiotherapy, which our therapists perform in close cooperation with dentists and orthodontists. After a systematic diagnosis through observation of the jaw movement processes, we create your therapy plan: the temporomandibular joint apparatus is mobilized, the structures in the head, jaw and spine region are loosened, the disturbance factors are identified and treated.

Often an association with cervical spine pain and headaches

The close connections of the jaw to the head and the cervical spine, which interlock, as well as the enormous power potential of the jaw muscles, mean that pain can also radiate into the head and cervical spine.

Often with the help of manual Trigger point therapy or the Dry needling the surrounding muscles of the jaw are treated. Muscles often also radiate directly into the temporomandibular joint or into the teeth. Pain in the teeth can therefore also be detached from the musculature.
